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An ongoing series of informational entries

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Disasters — Financial Preparation and Recovery 11 August 2022 R#1

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Disasters — Financial Preparation and Recovery 14 August 2022 R#2

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Disasters — Financial Preparation and Recovery 15 August 2022 R#3

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Disasters — Financial Preparation and Recovery16August 2022 R#4

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Buying a Home 20 July 2022 R#!

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Buying a Home 20 July 2022 R#2

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Buying a Home 21 July 2022 R#3

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Buying a Home 22 July 2022 R#4

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Buying a Home 22 July 2022 R#5

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You Credit Reports and Scores 27 July 2022 R#1

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James is reaching back to help students with an assist from, which will teach them about blockchain technology.

NBA star LeBron James is reaching back to help students and families through a partnership with, which will teach them about blockchain technology.

According to CBS News, the partnership will focus on Web3, which is a term given to a range of online services and mobile apps built on the blockchain, including cryptos and non-fungible tokens — NFTs, for short.

Our Second Blog Entry

Since 2018 Nexo has strived to bring professional financial services to the world of digital assets. Leveraging the best of the team's years of experience in FinTech along with the power of blockchain technology, Nexo empowers millions of people to harness the value behind their crypto assets, shaping a new, better financial system.

Nexo currently manages assets for 3М+ users across 200 jurisdictions.

Our First Blog Entry

a virtual metaverse

The HyperVerse is a virtual metaverse comprising of millions of planets. In the HyperVerse, players, also known as voyagers, can connect with friends, experience different cultures and lifestyles, create tokenized items, start businesses, and explore the universe. HyperVerse provides a fair chance to every resident in the galaxy thanks to VerseDAO.

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Our Newest Sponsor

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What is cryptocurrency staking? Cryptocurrency staking is the process of locking up a portion of your assets to qualify to earn staking rewards (interest), participate in the governance, and verify the transactions within a certain decentralized network.

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ANBEYADA LATIMORE- 10years old !!!

ANBEYADA is the first of many we hope to help obtain financial knowledge. At just 10 she will be capable of making decisions that will better her today and many years to come. She completed the Black Millionaires of Tomorrow program.


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Check Out Your


Our Second Blog Entry

I am Not a financial advisor! Just welling to show People something that I’m learning!!!

Cryptocurrency 4 Beginners!!! If you would like more information email us @ 

c4b in subject!!!

Our First Blog Entry


Here are ​example’s on $1000 Investment !!!


2017 = $8

2021 = $3,722

125X $3,722= $465,250 



April 21,2021= $0.000002

July 1, 2021 = $0.00000826

500,000,000X$ 0.00000826=$4,130 



January 25,2021 =$0.0084

July 1,2021 = $0.25




2017 = $900

2021= $36,590

1.11X$36,590= $40,614 


What does Agape stand for?

Agápe (á¼€γάπη agápÄ“) the more frequent of two NT words for love, connoting the preciousness or worthiness of the one loved. It is used in Jude 12 (KJV "feasts of charity ." ASV, RSV "love-feasts") of common meals which bore that name because they cultivated brotherly love among Christians. I Corinthians 11:20-34 rebukes abuses which had crep into the love feasts, and which marred the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper properly followed, but was distinct from the love feast. By-Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary

What does Rack Stand for?

Helping People Hang up the Bad Habits that caused them financial stress

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